📣Department Expectations
This page gives you all the information regarding department expectations. All department leadership should comply with these guidelines and may face disciplinary action if they fail to do so.
Last reviewed: September 2024 Next review: October 2024
Every department is expected to run professionally and function at a high level. The department’s goal is to maintain a positive community perspective whilst serving its respective purpose. Departments are the heart of Freshly Shopping, and we couldn’t run without them. In the absence of any of our department leadership, the community would slowly diminish. We appreciate your dedication to the role and your love for the group.
General Expectations
Outlined below are some common things we wish to see in your department:
Respect and integrity
Accountability for your own actions and responsibilities
Intention to help out others, and understand that everyone makes mistakes
Flexibility to be open-minded
Willing to ask for help when needed, and able to be vulnerable in the fact that it is not a weakness, but shows an attitude to excel and improve
Be open-minded to accept constructive criticism without defensibility or negativity
Be self-motivated and able to be relied on by others when needed
Decision Making
It can always be tough to make decisions for your department, whether it be related to requirements, terminations etc. Whenever you are in a situation where you feel unable, or unwilling, to make a decision, you should speak with your fellow department leadership, or the Departmental Overseer.
We are here for you to consult with, someone to rely on when you are struggling. There is nothing you cannot come to us about, and we want you to know that we are approachable at any time, for any reason.
Retaining Department Members
Rapid employee turnover within departments can affect Freshly Shopping in many ways, and department reviews are intended to ensure that you are providing an experience within your department that makes all its employees feel welcome in their roles. Every member of a department serves an essential role in the success of the group, and should always feel valued. Demotivation, or burnout, can happen rapidly if we aren’t providing an atmosphere where they are encouraged to learn and improve.
You should always ensure that you are providing tasks that are engaging and an environment where they have opportunities for growth, such as working in a higher department role. Without this, they may feel like they have nothing to work towards.
You should be offering alternative routes to completing department requirements if someone has informed you that they are struggling, such as reduced activity for a couple weeks to see how it works for them. It is all about creating a balance between life and their role.
If someone requests to leave a department, you should give them a 24-hour notice period before removal in case they have second thoughts. You should also inform the Departmental Overseer of any requests to leave so that we can intervene where necessary, and update the department member register.
Leadership Qualities
Everyone in a leadership position has been uniquely selected due to their qualities and ability to lead a team effectively. The intention of leading a department is to give you opportunities to expand on your abilities and improve them throughout your career at Freshly Shopping.
We expect nothing but the best here, and we will always try to ensure that every department is working at the correct level, otherwise changes may be made to bring a department to that level. Leadership is not just about holding a title or position, it is about leading people to success and improvement of their skills in whatever they are faced with.
Leadership positions mean you are the first point of contact for any issues department members may have, and if this communication is broken down, that can cause further problems. Individuals in a leadership position should be open-minded to how others feel, and should always show dedication towards leading a team. Relationships between teams are one of the most important things to focus on. If you can establish a meaningful connection with your team, then you are more likely to succeed.
The department expectations guide emphasises that respect, accountability and mutual support should always be a top priority, and you should be upholding a setting where seeking out help is a strength and not a weakness.
Open communication with your department members, other leadership and the Departmental Overseer is vital as it leads to a more well-rounded experience for everyone. We are always open to feedback, and you can let the Departmental Overseer know if you have an idea for improvement or change.
If you have any concerns regarding yours or any other department, do not hesitate to reach out. We are one big team, and should always be acting that way.
Last updated