πŸ“œDepartment Reviews

Information regarding department reviews, conducted by the Departmental Overseer.

Reviews Summary

Each month, I (the Departmental Overseer) will be contacting the leadership of each department regarding that month’s review. This may include gathering information such as guides or training materials, or asking questions to clarify their review.

If at any time a team is failing to meet our expectations, myself and department leadership will come together in a formal setting to discuss what should be done to come to a solution that addresses any issues. After any issues have been identified, you will have until the next review to improve on these.

If after you have been consistently notified of any issues, and they are not resolved, we may begin to look at changing positions within the department to a more suitable match. More information on when these reviews will take place can be found below.

Reviews Calendar

During each month, a week has been set out where department leadership must prepare all their resources ready to be reviewed, and ensure that any changes detailed in their last review have been put into place. This includes training guides, informative guides, payment tracking etc. Throughout this week, you may be contacted by the Departmental Overseer with questions, or asking for specific things. Towards the end of said week, you will receive your review.

Review Period NumberDate of Review Period

Review 1: April 2024

Week beginning: 22nd Apr to 29th Apr

Review 2: May 2024

Week beginning: 20th May to 27th May

Review 3: June 2024

Week beginning: 24th Jun to 1st Jun

Review 4: July 2024

Week beginning: 22nd Jul to 29th Jul

Review 5: August 2024

Week beginning: 19th Aug to 26th Aug

Review 6: September 2024

Week beginning: 23rd Sep to 30th Sep

Review 7: October 2024

Week beginning: 28th Oct to 5th Nov

Review 8: November 2024

Week beginning: 25th Nov to 2nd Dec

Review 9: December 2024

No review due to Christmas break

Last updated